L’Onlus Geoprogress initiated this project incoming tourism – with the brand "italiatours" – to help promote responsible tourism and also the financing of initiatives of development aid, especially poor college, through the donation by the tour operators selling packages of a share, of its profit and waiver by shareholders of Geoprogress of part of the remuneration of their work. This commitment as important, however, can cover, even in the most optimistic forecasts, only part of the financial needs of the first project in which the association is committed, in East Africa.
For this reason, regardless of the purchase of one of the tours offered, Geoprogress asks for a donation to those who share the objectives of Geoprogress program for East Africa, which should help to prevent many young, survivors, hunger and disease, then suffer by hunger as adults or as migrate elsewhere . In short, We ask:
Ensure a future to these young people in their country, giving a contribution to support Geoprogress:
1) their education and training of their teachers;
2) advancement of knowledge, the growth of the capacity of managers and the economy of their countries!
1°) letting you get a cash gift by:
2°) in a way that does not cost you anything: with the granting of your 5 X having a Geoprogress, signing in the box of the tax return and writing the Tax Code No. 94063920030.
KEEP THIS: your donation is deductible!
Individuals and companies can deduct from the gross 19% the amount donated in favor of NPIs, up to a maximum of 2.065,83 euro (art. 15-to del D.p.r. 917/86).
OR, can deduct from their income the donations in favor of NPIs, including the share capital, for an amount not exceeding 10% of the total income and the extent of up to 70.000,00 € per year (art. 14 paragraph 1 Decree Law 35/05 converted into Law No. 80 the 14/05/2005).
Companies can support Geoprogress not only by making donations and / or deciding to join (filling in the application) , as private citizens and as every other legal person (in. over it), but also in other ways:
with initiatives of cause related marketing, consisting nell'apporre in its own line of products or services logo Geoprogress that shares so sales proceeds;
con sponsorizzazioni di eventi e progetti di Geoprogress
with the organization of joint promotion or offering within its structures brochures or information material projects for young people in the southern hemisphere or other initiatives Geoprogress, King thus promoting the image
Geoprogress Onlus consistent with its mission to contribute to the progress of mankind especially through the promotion of growth and diffusion of knowledge, theoretical and practical, has launched a program of assistance and cooperation for the development of research and higher education in East Africa, at the urging of some universities and / or territorial of that region of Africa and particularly in Ethiopia and Kenya.
The program is divided into different actions according to local priority needs and possibilities Geoprogress to cope with the skills and availability of its members and the collaboration of the Italian universities and especially in Piedmont, in which generally serve the shareholders of Geoprogress or with which Geoprogress has an accord of collaboration.
Common goal of the various actions, Geoprogress who intends to carry out in collaboration with the universities of Piedmont and where necessary other universities, is above all to help to increase local capacity in the field of university education, strengthen and university systems in the countries and regions of intervention and the quality of education for sustainable local development, in particular to train teachers college necessary for the realization of the courses of studies, research and services for the advancement of businesses, General government and local social systems.
These actions make up 3 separate projects:
1) Support the development of 'University of Dire Dawa, Ethiopia, in particular for the training of university teachers needed to courses in the fields of "geography and local development planning", the "Administration and business and financial management",
2) Support the development of 'IKSDP Teachers Training College di Nyandiwa, Kenya, in collaboration with University College news (Moi University), Kenya, in particular for the training of university teachers needed to courses in the fields of "geography and local development planning", the "Administration and business and financial management".
3) Assistance to 'IKSDP College Nyandiwa for the activation of a college course for the formation of Nurses needed to Suba District to be achieved through cooperation between the 'University of Nairobi and the University of Eastern Piedmont.
Expected results of the program are:
Growth of institutional relations between and among these univerisità , Schools , Companies, The service centers and local governments in the countries of intervention;
Reduction of the lack of teachers ;
Growth of qualifications of the teaching staff;
Activation of the new university courses of study meet the local priorities, specifically aimed at training of qualified 1) “Territory Planners and Managers”; 2) "Directors and Managers of local businesses and public institutions",; 3) Nurses for hospitals and health Deans of Suba District, in Kenya.
Growth and improvement of the management of Libraries;
Improving curricula and teaching program;
Strengthening the management capacity of managers of small companies and local public officials.
Main activity of the program consists essentially in « Teaching and Learning by Researching » : in the definition and implementation of research programs and seminars on the main problem of local systems , natural and socio-economic, on possible policies and development actions, particularly to the problems of sustainable rural development and food security; methods and tools for planning participatory development of local and regional communities
Normally the teachers-researchers Italians and Europeans involved in the program, as volunteers, do not replace the local colleagues in their functions, but working with them in joint research projects on the problems of the country (the , in the case of administrative and management functions, assist them.
In the case of courses Ph.D., the teacher- European researcher for at least a month's stay in the country holds seminars or an intensive course and collaborates setting of research that will be developed by the teacher and by the few doctoral students of the discipline of the teacher and will form their theses. Doctoral students (or employees in any capacity to research) you will keep in touch for any question relating to the search with the teacher European, that will be their tutor, via Skype and e-mail and they will send a report of the work sullo'avanzamento (first results and problems). The teacher will return to check the progress of work on the ground and to solve any problems., after the first 6 months or at the end of first year, and in the two subsequent years Ph.D.. At the end of the 1st year / beginning of the 2nd, if necessary for the discipline will begin a second cycle for other students pochio.
The cost to discipline for this work is estimated to be 6000 EUR per year and for a cycle of 3 year old 18000 , if the teacher begins a new cycle and, Otherwise in, 20.000,00 having to participate as a speaker at the closing session.