IT ST2 : From Milan to the Sacred Mountains – Paths of Art and Faith

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Sacro Monte di Varese, Lombardy, Italy, Europe

Sacro Monte di Varese, Lombardy, Italy, Europe


around 1400, to give the opportunity to those who could not face the hardships of a costly and adventurous journey, and still keep alive the sense of pilgrimage, They were introduced the so-called alternative practices, so as to acquire, without endangering their lives, un’indulgenza come quella che si sarebbe acquisita in Terra Santa. Per tutto il secolo il pellegrinaggio verso un luogo particolare quale un santuario, connected to some practice of piety, He represented a way to replace the long and dangerous trip to Jerusalem. The composition of the Sacred Mountains, made according to the diagrams taken from the popular theater, It follows the patterns of sacred representations of medieval tradition: Mount is the largest natural theater where it is represented this great experience of faith mediated architecture, from painting and sculpture.



Arrivo a Milan Malpensa / Linate or Milan Railway Stations. Armeno Departure by Bus GT. Along the way stop in the charming center of Arona, overlooking Lake Maggiore and climb the statue of San Carlone, which dominates the lower part of the lake with stunning views of the Rock of Angera. Free Lunch. Continuation to Lake Orta with a visit to the Sacred Mountain and the island of San Giulio. Continuazione sino ad Armeno e sistemazione alberghiera a Villa Badanelli. Dinner in a restaurant and overnight.



Breakfast. Departure by private bus GT. Day dedicated to the Sacred Mountain of Varallo. This is the oldest example of artistic interest, and between the Sacred Mountains in the area Alpine Lombard – piemontese. It consists of a basilica, which is the final station of a path that winds through the streets and squares, and forty-four frescoed chapels populated by about eight hundred statues (polychrome terracotta or wood) life-size. The best way to reach the Sacro Monte is pedestrian, percorribile in una quindicina di minuti con la comoda scalinata. L’accesso è altrettanto possibile tramite la funivia più ripida d’Europa, that with a run of only 2 minutes allows access at the beginning of devotional walk path the length of which is about 1 time and 30.

Free lunch in the historic center of Varallo. Time available to visit the pretty village, la Pinacoteca e la chiesa di Santa Maria delle Grazie, fatta costruire da Bernardino Caimi tra il 1486 and the 1493, simultaneously with the start of work at the Sacred Mountain. In December 1931 Pope Pius XI raised it to the rank of minor basilica. On the large curtain wall Gaudenzio Ferrari painted in 1513 one of his works of artistic value, at night.



Breakfast. Departure by private GT bus to Stresa, la località turistica di pregio del Lago Maggiore. Escursione in battello per l’Isola Bella con visita alla Residenza Borromea, lunch at the restaurant overlooking the waters of Lake Island Fishermen. Return to Stresa, continue for Ghiffa. Within the Reserve, like a jewel in the landscape setting of the lake and woods, It fits the baroque buildings of the Sacred Mountain, dedicated to SS. Trinity, which includes the Sanctuary, three chapels and the porch of the Cross. Place of ancient popular devotion, the current Sacro Monte di Ghiffa seems to be part of a larger and complex project that was never brought to completion, il cui intendimento era la raffigurazione dei principali episodi dell’Antico e del Nuovo Testamento. Rientro alla residenza collinare di Armeno per il pernottamento, with along the route dinner.



Breakfast. Departure by private GT bus to Varese. The Sacro Monte of Varese, with his 14 Chapels that wind along a cobbled approximately 2 km is undoubtedly the most fascinating Marian itinerary in the world. It is believed that on the road leading to Sacro Monte are passed, in about 300 year old, 60 millions of pilgrims. Free lunch in Varese. Any supplementary activities of free sightseeing and shopping. Return to Armenian. Dinner in a restaurant and overnight.


5Day – MILAN

Breakfast. Baggage claim and departure by private GT bus to Milan. Guided city tour, FD. A walking tour to visit the city, and which aims to know the main monuments symbol, senza dimenticare curiosità ed aneddoti. La visita guidata parte dal Castello Sforzesco (of which we visit outer and inner courtyards), We will continue to Dante street where you will see the house where he lived the Lady With an Ermine, and we will reach Piazza Cordusio. In Piazza Mercanti verranno raccontati gli aneddoti relativi alle punizioni pubbliche qui inflitte. Visiteremo la Piazza Duomo, Royal Palace The tour will touch other important points of the city such as the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, Piazza della Scala, Palazzo Marino, the charming Piazza San Fedele , to finish in front of the house in which he lived Alessandro Manzoni. The guided tours ends by visiting the interior of the Cathedral, which impresses with its stained glass windows, his greatness, its statues. Free Lunch.


  1. The spiers of the Duomo . – The guided tour can predict when climbing the Duomo terraces where you will be surrounded by a population made up of statues, guglie, monsters, gargoyles, a truly amazing experience: si può godere di una vista fantastica sulla città, which on clear days allows you to see the Alps and the Alpine foothills. During the summer months the climb to the terraces is extended allowing it to watch the sunset from the spiers.
  1. Catwalk Vittorio Emanuele Gallery. – ascent to “Highline Galleria”, the walkway above the living room of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele. The walkway has a length of well 250 linear meters and an area of 550 sq.m., with some coves that are home to a museum linked to the history of Milan in the period when it was built the gallery, whose dome inspired the Eiffel Tour 1889 and the Crystal Palace in London in 1851.
  1. The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci. – The visit has to be booked well in advance but will be an experience that will bring you back in time to understand how and why the work was born. In 1482 Leonardo da Vinci arrived in Milan, the Court of the Sforza. In addition to the many contributions that gave Milan, as an architect, scenographer, hydraulic engineer, musician, and so on, It is certainly remembered for the paintings and the works he left us. First among all the Last Supper housed in the refectory of Santa Maria delle Grazie, and now considered one of the masterpieces of the Italian Renaissance, and one of the most famous works in the world.

Hotel accommodation in Milan. Dinner at the hotel / local restaurant, overnight stay.

6Day – Buffet breakfast at hotel. Baggage claim. Free time. Departure by Bus GT for Departure airport Linate / Malpensa or Train. End of services.



FROM EURO € 950,00


Hotel accommodation 3/4* double room with half board

Pullman GT available to the group as scheduled

Our guide for the duration of the tour

guided tours as in Italian or foreign language program

Medical insurance assistance + bagaglio

Insurance tour operators to guarantee the proper fulfillment of the contract

Free every 25 paying



single supplement

Museums reservations or any other supplementary services




Tourist tax where required

including non-scheduled items